
Showing posts from November, 2012

Breaking Dawn, Part 2

Movie Review: Breaking Dawn, Part 2 I loved Breaking Dawn, Part 1 so much it was heartbreaking to wait a full year to see part 2. But... It was so worth it! I loved the thought of seeing Bell Swan a much stronger powerful vampire. I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it but you are gonna wish you were her. I loved her eyes and her powers. Nessi, is such a cute little baby and beautiful little girl. Everyone is captivated by her. Jacob is still hotter than ever, but I must admit. The storyline lost it's luster, I guess this is really the end. Pay attention to the fight scene its the highlight of the movie. If you've always dreamed of being a vampire you would want to be apart of the Cullen family. You will almost forget you're dead until you're around humans. Lol.

Free $25 American Express Gift Card

As an Internet Guru and lover of all things free. I was surfing and come across this giveaway. $25 Gift Card to help small businesses on Saturday, November 24th. Let's help fuel the economy! I'm all for that especially helping someone with a small business. Few people would be selected to receive this card so the odds were like 1 million to 1. I opened my mailbox yesterday and I got one!!!! I'm so excited and had blog about it. People always think stuff is a scam or I will never win. Wrong! You only lose it you never try! "FedEx wants to thank you for everything you do to support your small business community and fuel the economy. Shopping small is one more way to help. This year, Small Business Saturday is on November 24th,2012, the day after Black Friday. To help support small business owners on this day, please use this $25 American Express Shop Small Gift Card at any small business in your that accepts American Express."

Where are my ho's? Hostess

Brand: Hostess You know those cakes we all loved as a child. The love has come to an end? Did Snoop Dogg, give the omen - don't love those ho's. I'm laughing out loud, but this is indeed no laughing matter. Many people will lose their jobs. Many people will be force to find another cake to eat. Many people will be injured in the stores today fighting over these ho's. When I first got the message via Twitter. I hopped over to FaceBook to see if anyone else posted about it. Twitter is known for hoaxes. I read on Facebook on the offical site: We are sorry to announce that Hostess Brands, Inc. has been forced to shut down all operations and sell all company assets due to the Bakers Union strike. For more information, go to . Thank you to our fans for all your loyalty and support over the years. I was stunned. Another one bites the dust! America's top companies are closing its stores. What the heck is going on my friends? The days of the